Government Contracts

RNACap 2022
Bid Protests
William T. Welch
Proposal Receipt Is Your Own Responsibility

In a recent blog post for “Battle Lines”, his weekly guest blog for the Washington Business Journal, FedBiz Daily Section, MWL partner Bill Welch reviews a case where

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Bid Protests
William T. Welch
Why Can’t an Agency Get It Right?

In a recent blog post for “Battle Lines”, his weekly guest blog for the Washington Business Journal, FedBiz Daily Section, MWL partner Bill Welch examines a procurement that

MNA Washington Monument Mall
Bid Protests
William T. Welch
Deadlines are Deadlines (Even When Extended)

In his most recent blog post for “Battle Lines”, his weekly guest blog for the Washington Business Journal, FedBiz Daily Section, MWL partner Bill Welch discusses yet another