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Peter A. Fish
New SBA Rule on Small Business Size and Status Recertification and Its Impact on GovCon M&A

A new SBA rule on small business size and status recertification was issued by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in December 2024, consolidating its requirements into a single regulation codified at 13 CFR 125.12. Because of the far-reaching implications of this new rule, the SBA is delaying the implementation of certain provisions until January 17, 2026. Both buyers and sellers considering a M&A transaction involving an affected small business entity have ample incentive to get a deal done in 2025 so that required recertifications can be made before that date.

Bid Protests
William T. Welch
A Fight Over $150 Million Worth of Chicken

In a recent recent blog post for “Battle Lines”, his weekly guest blog for the Washington Business Journal, FedBiz Daily Section, MWL partner Bill Welch is sure to

MNA Washington Monument Vertical
Kenneth Brody
OMB and GAO at Odds Over Set-Aside Programs

OMB and GAO at Odds Over Set-Aside Programs September 2009 Agencies Advised to Disregard GAO Recommendations that ContractingOfficers Set-aside Contracts to Qualified HUBZone Small BusinessesInstead

MNA Capitol 2
Business Law
Kenneth Brody
Update on FAR/SBA/HUBZone Issues

Recent Developments and Changes Affecting Small Business Government Contractors January 2009 1. New FAR Ethics Requirements Mandate The Disclosure ofCriminal and Civil Violations and/or Significant